Thursday, December 22, 2011

Busy Time of Year

     Hello Peeps,
             How are you? I am doing great! I have been so busy preparing for Christmas and getting orders done, all 17 of them in 2 months that I hardly had time to drink a cup of tea. Now that the last doll is finished I can start to think about my new shop opening and getting that all set up. Once the new year rolls around I will be refreshed and thinking about making some new things for Easter and springtime. I will still be making dolls but on the side I plan on making things for the kitchen and doing some artwork also. I will also be showcasing some other items that artist I know make, so look forward to that. So check in from time to time ;) maybe you will see something you like. Until then, I hope You have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New year. As for me, as Christmas approaches I will take a deep breath, focus on what is most important in my life, God, family and friends :0) 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Opening Soon! Snicklefarkles and all things Sweet!

BonJour peeps!

   People ask me all the time, "Why do you like making dolls and toys?" I do it because I like to hold onto a little bit of childhood. As I look out into one scary but beautiful world, I see children playing and enjoying life simply by focusing on play. The world around them for a few minutes seems to disappear. The world that exist in their heads for them is one they make up and it is a wonderful place to be. To me finding that place is like getting a glimpse of heaven. So I make toys. :)

It is my hope that I will be able to open shop soon, so be ready because my SnicklFarkle Kids go fast :) Until then, have a good and sweet day!

<------- Agnus O'malley got into the children's candy while  they were at school! Oh well a little bit of sweets a day keep the doctor away :)