Thursday, March 19, 2015

Which came first the chicken or the doll

In this case it was the chicken then the doll. 
A few weeks ago I had to say goodbye to my 7 chickens. It was almost as hard as it was when my beloved Jenny Girl went on to Heaven. I tend to get so attached to animals that when I lose one or many my life changes. We did happen to find all 7 of them a good home and I'm at peace with it now but it was so hard. But during this time of sadness I do what all artist do, create. So Louisa my doll is me in dolly form. We may not look exactly alike for I'm an old lady and she is very child like but a part of my sadness and a part of me went into her.
  I really don't do well with change and moving 2000 miles away from my home is not an easy chore, it's like saying a million little goodbye's for me. Goodbye my little family of squirrels, goodbye my sweet little cardinals, goodbye my painted lady butterflies that I raised and their offspring come back every year, and goodbye my lovely lady chickens.  Goodbye.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Stinkers in my sewing spot!

So, I'm doing laundry, tweaking out a crochet pattern of my interpratation of Winnie the Pooh and I decide I need a cup of coffee to clear the fog in my brain. I get up from my creaky old chair and go into the kitchen. I could have sworn I heard giggling behind me. I turn and see nothing. Huh, weird! I grab my cup of coffee, head into the dining room (where in the winter months I sew) and put my cup down. Then I walk into the laundry room to switch loads. When I came back with a basket of laundry to fold I look on the table and I see these two stinkers! They were laughing about something funny, but unless your a little kid ( wish I was still a kid) they turn into stone when you look at them. I wonder what they were laughing about? Probably my grammar! Lol

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Skippy is done!

Finally the little squiggly pup is finished! Now to get all 3 ( Lolly's doll, a sailor pup and bear) packaged up and sent off to their new home! I really enjoyed making this guy from drawing to toy. I wrote up his pattern as I went so if I ever need to make another I will be able too. Now on to a Christopher Robin felt  doll and his bear pooh!