Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Stinkers in my sewing spot!

So, I'm doing laundry, tweaking out a crochet pattern of my interpratation of Winnie the Pooh and I decide I need a cup of coffee to clear the fog in my brain. I get up from my creaky old chair and go into the kitchen. I could have sworn I heard giggling behind me. I turn and see nothing. Huh, weird! I grab my cup of coffee, head into the dining room (where in the winter months I sew) and put my cup down. Then I walk into the laundry room to switch loads. When I came back with a basket of laundry to fold I look on the table and I see these two stinkers! They were laughing about something funny, but unless your a little kid ( wish I was still a kid) they turn into stone when you look at them. I wonder what they were laughing about? Probably my grammar! Lol

1 comment:

  1. Hi!!!! I found you on Facebook!!!!! I really enjoy your dolls and all the character you give them!!!!! They are so friendly!!!!! Fun!!!! Thank You
